All I’ve Ever Needed

All I’ve Ever Needed
Written by: Tenisha Picinich

“You’re all I want….You’re all I’ve ever needed…”

Those aren’t just beautiful lyrics, those are eternal truths and a commitment to Love the Lord our God with ALL our soul, mind & strength.

To fast is to do away with everything that is unnecessary. When we take the time to be fully surrendered and fully yielded, completely dependent on the Lord and recognize him as the source of everything that we are AND all that we are able to do, it changes the way we think. It changes the way we live. It changes the way we operate. It changes the outflow of the knowledge of God through us.

Eliminating distractions and blockages, removing any hindrance to our obedience, to our complete submission, is what we should desire all the time. And fasting helps us with that greatly.

“My nourishment is to do the Father’s Will, to do His work.” That’s what Jesus said. In other words, to do what the Father has for us to do is what will satisfy and sustain us in every season of life.

A statement I’ve made to the Father repeatedly as of recent has been, “Lord, I love You more than anything else. Lord, I desire to serve you more than anything else.” It’s in essence a commitment and one I’m asking Him to help me with. I want Him to bring those statements to my remembrance constantly until I am devoid of any self-interest and preference.

Declarations like those are important to habitually meditate on. And they open the door for the Holy Spirit, who is not only my Comforter and Helper, but my Master, to step in and speak to me and show me how I should live in this world in a way that shows I am not of this world; in a way that shows that there is veracity to what the Word says. We are the living testament of the Truth.

Fix your eyes on the One who perfectly carried out the Father’s Will & is His Living Testament—Jesus! In doing so, you will become fully engrossed with & absolutely surrendered to the One that gave up everything, holding nothing back and held back by nothing.

BONUS: Fasting & Vision
Fasting produces clear vision. It eliminates the unnecessary and directs our attention to what is vital.

It enables you to dream big, unimpeded by distraction or concern from asking who, what when where, why, how, etc., which produces a lack of confidence, distrust, and unbelief in a person who constantly meditates on those questions.

If faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, then a lack of faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word & suggestion of every situation, fact, & earthly circumstance.

“This kind of [unbelief] can only come out through prayer and fasting.” Thank God there’s a way to get out of unbelief, a new way forward!

If you are struggling to see what the next steps forward are, put your time & energy into receiving direction from the One Who orders your steps.

And remember why it matters – we are His ambassadors. There is work to be done; work that only you can do. Time is of the essence and we can’t afford to waste it. No more allowances for complacency or procrastination. Flow with the spirit at all times, in all places, and in all interactions with all people.

Be about the Father’s business.

And you will be fully satisfied. Coming to know the truth that He & His Will are all you’ve ever wanted or needed.
Prayer Targets
  • Tell the Lord what He means to you
  • Ask the Lord to reveal more of Himself to you
  • Ask the Lord to fill your life through and through 

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